Smithsonian Museo Nacional del Indígena Americano

Juego de matemática maya



¡Vamos a sumar! Ahora que ya practicaste la matemática maya basada en el sistema a base de 20 y sus símbolos, es hora de practicar matemática de verdad. En esta ronda de práctica vamos a sumar y usaremos un método llamado reducción para obtener la respuesta final. INSTRUCCIONES Arrastra el símbolo o símbolos correctos en las cajas doradas a mano izquierda a las cajas blancas para crear los números. Luego completa la reducción para obtener la respuesta final. Arrastra un nuevo símbolo para remplazar algún valor o haz clic en el símbolo para quitarlo.

NOTA: Cuando sumas o restas puede que necesites usar el proceso de reducción para obtener la respuesta final. Haz CLIC AQUÍ para ver una lección rápida de reducción.

BASE de 20

¡Buen trabajo!

Haz clic en este encasillado y continúa con el próximo reto.

Su respuesta es incorrecta.

CLUE #2: Today, I spent the morning using corn seeds, sticks and shells to calculate the size of the workspace I need for the season.
CLUE #3: Today, my son came to work with me, but he was so distracting. I was trying to count while he wanted to play hide-and-seek among the rows.
CLUE #4: My occupation requires me to build a troje or storage bin in English. The troje cannot be too big or too small. I use Maya math to help me determine the size of the bin based on the size of my workspace.
CLUE #5: My wife just told me her shopping list and now I must calculate how much I need to sell in order to get everything she asked. Hopefully, I will have some left over to bring back chocolate to my family.
LEVEL 2: Wow, that was pretty fast. Are you an expert at Maya math or just have beginner’s luck? Well, below are your next challenge and clue. Good Luck!
LEVEL 3: You are doing great. I am sure Itzamna is smiling down at you. Let’s keep going, you are halfway there.
LEVEL 4: You are getting close. Do you have any guesses yet on the type of work I do? You do? Well, keep going to see if your answer is correct.
LEVEL 5: You are on the home stretch and at the final challenge. I know you can solve the problem. The final clue is below. Good luck! I will see you at the GREAT REVEAL.