Reading the Maya Calendar
20 k’in = 1 uinal or 20 days | 18 uinal = 1 tun or 360 days |
20 tun = 1 katun or 7,200 days | 20 katun = 1 baktun or 144,000 days | | 3 Kawak | 2 K'ank’in | G8
This date corresponds to December 20th, 2012 in the Gregorian calendar, and is read as follows: baktun.katun.tun.uinal.k’in | Tzolk’in | Haab | Lord of the Night
Initial Series Introductory Glyph: This symbol identifies this date as belonging to the Long Count system
Baktun: A number (12 in this example) along with the symbol of “baktun”
Katun: A number (19 in this example) along with the symbol for “katun”
Tun: A number (19 in this example) along with the symbol for “tun”
Uinal: A number (17 in this example) along with the symbol for “uinal”
K’in: A number (19 in this example) along with the symbol for “k‘in”
Tzolk’in date: A number (3 in this example) along with the Tzolk’in day glyph (Kawak in this example)
Haab date: A number (2 in this example) along with the Haab day glyph (K'ank’in in this example)
Lord of the Night (G8 in this example): A glyph that represents one the nine deities of the Maya Underworld.